Gdynia, Poland
Missed clinic appointment with Takemi. Will I get another chance/text to progress her as a confidant?
Charlotte got the Hulk Hogan treatment
Very untransitional press forward map.
My brother just sent me this
Not sure if this was uploaded before but
Dont Get Scammed: Official Mobile Plan (VietTel) for anyone travelling to VietNam
Air pollution has forced a staggering 352 schools to close in the Thai capital.
Minion Scooter in Vietnam
Pesel with rental contract under 3 months
In Persona 5, which characters would be the best fit for one another?
[AEW Collision Taping Spoilers] Tag Team comes to an end
Are the people in Gdańsk tired of tourists?
Bike rental for around the island
Skipped school to start playing
shouldn't this be 45% dmg amp?
Got fired, getting a severance - where in the world do I go hiking now?
job in gdansk?
I built this metro spiral to give the 2000 people waiting at the tram stop an alternative mode of transportation
Weekly Q&A - Your Question Goes Here - Tourists