what can i gift for someone who likes fishing?
Kodel Lietuva neturi branduolinio ginklo?
Per kur galima pirkt akcijas?
gal kas dirbat/dirbot autoaibei?
Do you know anyone who saved their life by starting to do drugs?
this is the sickest looking crackhouse ive ever seen
Shoutout to everyone who bought this skin for any reason. I’m glad you got the opportunity to add this to your locker, and I hope you enjoy it and get a lot of good use out of it!
Have any skins ever returned to the item shop after being unavailable for more than 500 days?
Is there a way to import config from one profile to other?
it says that the shop refreshes once every 24hours
Why do logistics coordinators exist?
my laptop became suddenly dogshit
Has anyone ever decoded it? I've already spent a few hours trying to crack it, but I haven't had any success yet :(
SInce when this game became so demanding?
ibp last game
Where can I check how many times have I died in total?
I've just uninstalled security app
Reikia darbo
Can I get a job if I complete simple marketing courses?
Anal sex is allowed, apparently
What is discord.ru?
If bad luck could be explained in a few seconds... RIP my 4th character in hardcore mode and buff warrior pls (translation is not necessary, basically i said "1.000 LIFE??? Did he regenerate 1000 life????"
What is this moderator message?
Am I the only one who finds the Elon Musk situation funny?