How long will gingerbrave last (re-upload also removed that white clothed twink I didn't even mean to put him in)
“Every cookie is someone’s favorite” let’s see🙏
meh, not expecting many to respond but what was your first ever favourite cookie if you can remember?
You have to fight your favorite character, How screwed are you?
Who is your favourite cookie of darkness? (NONE OF THE ART IS MINE BTW!!!) (creds to u/Zaxlotl for the Licorice Cookie one :p)
Day 3: It was hard to decide, but ultimately Dark Cacao Cookie won. Now, who Is a horrible person who Is loved by the fans? (I already have a guess who It might be.)
Who has the thickest accent?
Give me your favorite series Cherri Bomb quote ❤️🍒💣
Black hole and tree “angst” or something
Who would wear these?
A thing of Licorice Cookie that I drew recently. I was really happy when I got him in CRK lol
who thought they were a good idea?
Me genuinely trying not to tweak when people call Tree "british"
Nilly, Nilly!
Give me your favorite Adam quote
At least he’s honest about it 😭
Glitterballoon and random strawpage...
I just entered college and my aunt gifted me this
My general reaction to whoever rejoins TPOT
I'm bored, and want to try drawing 6 Cookie Run characters In my style, so could y'all give me some characters to draw? I'll pick the top 6 comments. I'll post the whole thing when It's done.
Am I alone on this?
How dose gingerbrave last in here (you also have the option to let him out of the room but will you?)
Pretend that BFDI 18 just released, who are you voting for?
Why did I make this?...