How much of a downgrade is Hugo Lycaon Trigger to Lighter Hugo Lycaon?
Which character makes you go like this?
Need advice
Lycaon is good at making Donuts.
Lets see those player cards. Who are YOUR TOP 6 FAVORITE AGENTS in ZZZ so far.
Meet the Mockingbirds~ excited to meet us?~ (taiyaki12)
Hugo Vlad, vampire extraordinare and member of the Mockingbirds, pleased to meet you~
Does Trigger work with Harumasa?
Before and after Vivienne found out who Phaethon was
Mockingbird (by taiyaki)
Cute ass Shark has been added to the inventory
What teams would you recommend me to build? All help is appreciated! Here are my owned agents:
No hate on the guy but I'm super super curious
Offering you a fiery martini
Vivian looks a bit different since the last time I saw her.
Short haird Lycaon
Vivian the Phaethon fan by @luizhtx
Fellas, it's Ellen Jover
Need help on gameplay
You can actually see Vivian’s “Thrusters” under her skirt.
I have a skill issue😭🙏
Need Advice
Does anyone know who's the artist
hi guys, i'm a returning player to the game. what new characters are good? i want to build a second team but my only team is an ice team now.
Weapon hidden in Suitcase type character