I’m a newish Slayer fan, so what are some of your song recommendations?
What are some songs you want them to play live more often?
What is your dream Setlist
Favorite Metallica Quote?
Where did it go? (funny answers only.) funniest one wins by the way.
What Metallica song do you think has the darkest meaning behind it?
Favorite and least favorite songs from these albums.
Which Version is the Best?
Is So Far, So Good... So What! underrated?
Fav song off of this album?
So in the sin of Sloth is Juza ... Who fits the sin of Greed?
Whose Death was Manlier?
What is the best Ken-Oh helmet?
We all know this is somewhat true
post your best hnk reaction images
Some Things That I Wish Were More Elaborated and Clarified in the Series
One Shoulder Pad Or Two?
Kaioh's memeable face
One of the Hokuto Ryuken techniques; rotate your opponent like a PNG