Chuck was overwhelmingly voted as honest. Who's the most insane character in Season 1?
Alright, Crawford got voted as selfish. Who's the most honest character in Season 1?
Larry was OBVIOUSLY voted as ungrateful. Who's the most selfish in Season 1?
Well, it was ALMOST Lee, but Carley scratched by to be the sexiest character. Who's the most ungrateful character in Season 1?
Omid was voted as the purest character. Now, who's the most expendable character in Season 1?
Mark got the most expendable. Here's an awaited one. Who's the sexiest character in season 1?
Looks like everyone still wanted Kenny to be overrated. Anyone who disagrees... Keep the opinion to yourself, because majority voted Kenny. Let's continue where we left off.
Since I got hated into oblivion for putting Kenny into overrated last time, let's try again! You guys get a revote.
These three would’ve been an unstoppable duo
Day 1! Which brawler is fun but underused?
Face Blown
I hate my luck.
“This is something else.”
Inspired from a post I saw on Instagram: The FIRST 3 letters of your name gets to be in your group
Poster Needs A New Home
Gotta buy some skins, know any good ones?
Why am I getting put against people like this is contests??? I have 26k trophies
kit stickers 2
Star Power / Gadget Video Explanation
Only good thing that came from that game was the free Shelly skin
If Kenny Would’ve Killed Arvo In this Scene, Would he been Justified?
I really like Violet
Suspend-worthy in 600 trophy matchmaking??
What’s your favorite Lee quote?