17M I just need someone who really gets me
18F Looking for some friends to chat with
Why am I always ignored?
Sad? More than usual?
My teeth are all rotten.
I hardly exist
I'm a fucking loser
18F Looking for more friends
Pls end me
My Stardew Valley cosplay today!
Why is it so hard for other people to understand?
I sometimes convince myself that people would be interested in my if I just opened up a bit.
Is eevee a cat, a dog or a fox??
15 and want to suicide
Im 13 and i just attempted suicide
Why do I pretend to be happy…?
I want to kill myself
I hate it when people say 'you're still so young, your life just started'
Stuck in a loop
lonely, looking for online friends
life is over
I really don’t think I am going to last much longer
I just want to lay in bed for the rest of my life
Name a Middle Stage Evolution that you like more than the Final Stage. I'll start: