Songs where they tell you the song is over
What is the greatest musical comedy?
Songs with names in the form of [Pathway] to [Location]
Any songs without swearing?
What’s a quote from a movie that you use all the time?
Edit made after Mike Moon voted against the Missouri child marriage bill
Give me a song and I’ll tell you my favorite line from the song
Dogs (and dog adjacent pets)
Thought Id contribute to the deltaposter format
since someone dosnt want us to guess the similarity lets do guess the battle
Is there a TMBG song that you can recite?
Songs containing all the letters in "Spotify"
I've seen this chart appear on multiple subreddits, so let's do it for ERB! First, which is the best battle?
I need joke names for every map in SJ Beginner Lobby for a secret project I'm working on. When the project is done, I will reveal it and credit *everyone* who gave me a joke name.
S13, E1 (YouTube) - Schengen Showdown
Orgy is spelled wrong. I know.
What's the dumbest suggestions you got there?
Inspired by u/wata_malone, songs that would make very good birthday gifts
Song titles that would be very bad birthday gifts.
Undertale Cast
What do these characters have in common?
Songs About History
Which fanbase is this for YOU?
Names-only A-Z playlist
According to Google, Lady Gaga is two days older than Ariana Grande