Took "The Raven That Refused to Sing" for a spin for the first time
Guy reports on FB Hugh copy / pasted his own album’s artwork for Parasomnia
This chunk of caramel from my bag of Cretor's Caramel/Cheddar mox
Do you tuck your cats in?
Songs about having a female friend you don’t want to confess feelings for because you don’t want to ruin the friendship
Guys I have a leek
What are your hifi hot takes and pet peeves?
Tell me about your first experience with an I.O. drill with a real patient
Te jotka jäitte kouluaikoina ulkopuolelle, missä olette nyt?
The one that got away...
Another Public School Lunch in America
School lunch in the United States
What song is playing?
What’s the difference
How to power a 100V appliance in EU
Mihin syömään Tampereelle?
What was the first CD you ever purchased?
Serious question: do bird photographers really like birds that much, or are birds just a good thing to use big fancy lenses on?
What is your number one "I can't believe this is happening" moment at a concert?
Tried updating, ended up having to do a fresh win10 install after almost bricking my PC.
Recommend a turntable with the budget of £200-£300
Goalies! Help with kneepads.
Worth it as first turntable?
Whats the point of silos?
Which are you grabbing??