My tyranid fleet, not a single mechanical in the fleet
Found this ring, is it safe?
I need an entire movie on Thranduil
How do lord of the rings fans feel about this game? 🤔
Which Cyclops design is your favorite?
The first spawn are fucking hardcore.
Why is nobody playing as Vy'keen?
I have a fear of the ocean. This was my worst nightmare.
Proud of my first fabricated ship!
Thoughts on new map?
I just found this really old screenshot
For those who don’t like Spider, why not?
Found Sauron in space
Most beautiful planet I’ve ever seen!
Upgrades for The Wraith ship?
Anyone Else running into this?
Strange mutated ruined planet.
Looking coordinates for worth visiting. ( I need planet to place my mega base)
Maybe one day someone will create replicas 🤧
Rescued two stuck ships
Which movie had an unnecessary scene?
Possible Nenya inspiration
What's your favorite foreign language film? I'm a huge fan of Kung-Fu Hustle
Cool pic during the expedition
So #230 has a weird thing