I want to start a 3 month movie marathon (2 movies per day) on Amazon Prime. Can I have suggestions of movies across all/any genre, that are available on Prime (no language restrictions)?
"20s are all about realising, your parents are growing old and you don't have enough time to spend with them" What are your opinions on this statement?
What would your 2010 self say to your 2024 self?
Can you suggest a movie that should, can, and will make me cry?
What's the most beautiful thing in the world?
What is this?
If your ex left you for someone else, or got into a new relationship quickly, how did it turn out for them?
Question for ugly people (I am one)
What stopped you from killing yourself?
Does anyone else have songs on repeat in their head?
What are some unconventional/weird habits you people have?
Shall we organise a watch party for finale?