[Product Question] Hermetise: Scam or Glam?
[Product Request] What can I use to make my skin smoother? I have huge pores and very textured skin in general. I think it’s dry too, but I can’t tell. I included a bunch of pictures for reference.
Hermetise: Scam or Glam?
Treat 1 of your only 4 bartenders like crap? Now you'll only have 3.
Allergy Test Results Megathread
The word exist is only plural if the subject is singular, and is singular if the subject is plural
Roll the intro. You know the one.
What's the least attractive thing a girl can do?
Did the game crash? I’ve tried redownloading exalt
I envy those who are blessed enough to not know who this is
How do i get a girlfriend if i look like the white version of dog shit
My dad doesn’t wanna admit he’s wrong
When you see it....
Simple Questions
this Edna Mode wall mural made of Trader Joe’s bags
Out of all the life hack subreddits...
To prevent your multivitamin not being absorbed fully due to conflicting vitamins fighting each other for uptake, chop up your multivitamin and take in multiple parts throughout the day
We call a drink "watered down" when technically it has been "watered up" since water has been added to it
Why do we call a drink "watered down" when water is added to it? It would technically be "watered up"
Which trophies should I be at?