What Do You Do After "Beating" No Man’s Sky?
The Nest
100hrs in and now it's creeping me out
White paradise
Share your best ship names!
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Weekly Bug Report Thread
Do you still have your Radiant Pillar ?
Definitely one of the "creatures" of all time that I've come across so far.
Discovery service not available
Where can I find THIS creatures?
No Planet Entering stutter
First gas giant
Catch something that is not a fish
Post your OLDEST Steam screenshot here. No context, no explanation, just the screenshot
Finally Pulling The Trigger for Winter Sale. What Do You GuysThink?
My false what?
COD not on sale ??
Ubisoft Reportedly Wants Steam to Hide Concurrent Player Count Data
2K launcher has been removed from Steam. Now all that's left is Ubisoft's stupid launcher and Rockstar launcher, let's keep our fingers crossed
Autum sale
Which high-praised game(s) could you not get into?
Anyone noticed the Workshop front page being weird lately? Old addons are becoming Most Popular of the Week again
Look what I found on steam today omgggg
Need games for me and the boys