Thoughts on Christianity?
Is the Jesus and bible real or fake
What things in life you wanted to experience but weren't able because you were just too tall?
What are your thoughts on Christianity?
Nlg I fr hate Christian’s
Kid wants to be Christian?
Few questions for Catholics, Protestant here
Do you have to say vows out loud for them to be valid?
Overthinking again
Do you ever get convinced that you did something bad even though you most definitely didn’t?
Anglican here, I have a few questions
Do vows have to come from the lips?
Overthinking again.
Can God do what is logically contradicting?
Why am I overthinking so much?
Overthinking or not?
Overthinking or conviction?
Am I just overthinking?
I Feel Like I Won’t Find a Good Christian Man Because of My Past
How does one tell if it’s the Holy Spirit?