Real life tips I learned from Dark Souls: If you’re ever threatened by someone, run to the nearest door and open it halfway. They can’t hurt you if you’re opening a door.
Every show has one — who's made to be hated?
What is your favorite black clover intro?
Do you think Ron liked Lavender, or was he just using her to make Hermione jealous ?
Who's winning this?
How do you handle 5.5 Warlocks under lvl 3? Do they even know who they’re working for?
Warlock Patrons
What’s the most common level that you start new campaigns on?
A Girl’s Sun, Darkwingpuck, Acrylic and Watercolors, 2019
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
What your dream city looks like?
what are the weirdest things to get political about?
You have to get rid of one, heat or air conditioning. What would you choose?
If you had the chance, which cancelled cartoon would you bring back and renew for more seasons?
What was the best food you've ever eaten?
Under what circumstances are you allowed to defend your girlfriend physically from flirtation? (Example: Guy smacks your woman's butt- are you legally allowed to beat him?
What do you do if you're riding in a car with coworkers and someone lets out a really stinky fart?
If men get a boner by seeing a girl, what happens to girls when they see men?
What’s the worst possible name for a baby?
What’s a company slogan that would be terrifying if taken literally?
Choose 2 and I Will Make You A Superpower
I need a devastating insult from a noble to a peasant
How did “Covid was custom designed by the Chinese to kill us,” evolve into “Covid is harmless and a ploy by our government to push vaccines.” Serious question. What’s the timeline?
If you’re like me, then when you cast fly on yourself and take the dash action you imagine zipping and soaring through the sky. Welp, 120ft per 6 seconds is around 13 MPH. Try driving down your road at that speed. That’s your glorious flight speed.
Go to this website and generate a random noun. That’s your Magic.