How to deal with bullying?
Who is The Wendigo?
What's your favourite game of all time?
What's a deal breaker in a relationship?
Stop posting posts about "Gender."
Might start posting my art here to liven up the place a bit
Have you ever been in love?
And you call this better than the other r/teenagers [truth-posting]
Being LGBT in HS
What a great subreddit
Why do intelligent people struggle with love?
Thoughts on Dragonfruit?
My test thingy :D
There Are Two Genders
genuinely how the hell did that other guy get such shitty scores on this thing 😭
Thoughts about my hate values?
There are are MORE THAN 2 genders!! :D
Do any of you like scene girls? (Or scene Agenders in this case)
Should sex education be taught in schools? (Inspired by a post on r/school)
The poughkeepsie tapes, a good found footage movie, I love the multiple costumes of the killer
What do my subreddits say about me?
Do women actually find slashers attractive?
What body type do you prefer? *ONLY GIRLS*
does anyone actually want to go to college?