When does it end? Currently day 133 still going
Is there a ceatch, because 50% global dmg reduction seems kinda insane ngl
Does this end?I've been here for like an hour
I take back what I said about the Underwater Event lol! I managed to pull the 1500 depth reward and I'm on track to get the 600 golden shells and 2400 silver shells. Still got 3 days. All without spending gems or money 😆
Who TF designed this? Im genuinely concerned for their mental capacity
About to get limit secret chest and wondering what gear I should aim for?
Best S tier hero for whisperer build?
Which one do i choose??
Should I use the shadow ring at legend +2?for much higher CP or use guardian ring at legend +3 for the daggers and shield?
Wait, why this much?!
Do i sacrifice epic lightchaser
Some good luck, this thing is trash tho correct?
I dislike the mount system…
PSA: Don’t waste gems buying Jellyfish
What is your go-to first word in Wordle?
Are these good stats?
lucky picks in dungeon
I miss CE
The latest update has worsened the gap between skysplitter and other weapons
Should I do it?
No way
Good news: you keep the mount’s skill after it dies, you only lose the riding skill
New mount system seems dumb
Is it just me or this girl is pretty hard to defeat
Does the weapon matter?