Fortnite Hot Take: The Remix season was BAD
Bro’s hairline is more cooked than sypher’s
If u had to remove one collab which one wld it be ??
Bro’s channel is surviving on just collabs (jk)
Hey Sypher is this rare?
Who has the best Fortnite icon skin?
Guys we cant break it 😭😭
What if there were more rapper in chapter 2 REMIX?? Concept
What is bro doing 🥲
Avg season 3 experience
Bro is a multiverse level threat
More stuff got leaked and it's insane
Which one you picking??
Thuderbolts are op
Which one is better?
I waited for a day straight 😭
comment “🥵” for the full video in your DMs (serious)
Where was the Zero Point this season?
If u use code sypherpk,then u r allowed to join the party 🦋
It's so sus🫶🏻
which emote song is the best
What’s the ugliest Fortnite skin vote so sypher can see
Lets settle this. What is the best consert?
What Fortnite outfit doesn't deserve in the Battlepass?
Who wld win in real life