Thoughts? Pls dont judge
My first airsoft M16a1
Someone asked me where is my eye protection…it’s right here😇
My first ar and pistol as a 13 year old what we thinking
Feeding issue
Serbian and Croatian soldiers in Somalia[800x533]
i might have used it bit too much
M9A3 leaks, need advice !
It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
Oh man… the bullshit piled up so fast in Vietnam, you needed wings to stay above it
Rate my set-up after 1 year of playing!
Brand question
Je li sjebavanje radnika postalo umjetnost u HR?
Should I quit?
I've been a rental player for 1 year, so...
Do you like my guns
Finally, battle rifle.
I replaced a few parts in Edge 2.0 and shimmed it, does it sound okay?
What would you run on a CAR-15?
Recommendations for Low/Midcap AEG M16 style magazine?
Grob u Maksimiru
Hoće li se Sirijske izbjeglice sada vratiti u svoju novu državu?
3 years of airsoft …
Gun help
Rate my mp5 a4