World Ethnic Map colored by Genetic Distance
Why are all CS bros basically the same person?
Why dating is hard for guys
Population change in Europe
Sub-Saharan African Diaspora in the Americas
Am I Overreacting: My host family in the US thinks I’m using him
Dites-vous "Bonjour" et "Merci" à une IA ?
Do most people actually like their lives?
Regretter vous d'avoir pris un Crédit ou Prêt?
Europe in the 1900s
Elon Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
US military bases in Europe
Helsinki in 1891
We're gonna make the exact same mistake again, aren't we?
My seat for the concert tonight at Carnegie Hall
Evolving Reasons For Having Children
I pocketed a wad of cash an acquaintance dropped on the floor 25 years ago and it's the worst thing I ever did
Interactive map of European tech companies
Tried to donate blood, the nurse pushed the needle through the vein and bled out internally into my arm
Do Gen Z kiddos realize that most of their popular "slang" is just Black NYC slang from the 90s?
Les scooters qui réveillent tout un quartier la nuit devraient être interdits à la vente
Parents who kept 11-year-old son with autism in enclosure ‘similar to a jail cell’ for 6 years in feces-filled home avoid prison time
First time passport bro'ing in Chad, need advice
Graffiti on the new Tesla store soon opening in the Chicago suburbs
This giant Maine Coon I got to hold at work today. He is super sweet! The best boy! I have permission from his owner to share.