Hear me out
If there was an election on this sub for mod(s), who would you vote for?
Is this a leftwing sub for Automod neutrals?
If you have to live anywhere in this world when the chaos is to begin. where would you be?
British Isles
what if germany was op?
The fuck?
This question is false
What's the most ridiculous game that could be turned into a death game? (Pic unrelated)
Are they doing this on purpose?
Lot's of downvoting on r/AskTeenBoys
Would y’all join a revolution against the world?
What is my ideology?
Which one do you use, and why?
NO! Don't do _______. (Lets do a shitty version of r/AskOuijia)
NO! Don't do _______.
Uuuh, does she like me?
Which scenario for ending the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 do you consider the best? (BEST DOES NOT MEAN THE MOST LIKELY – So you can choose regardless of the current situation)
Something tells me this is far worse than we currently have, America has truly fallen
The American Apocalypse (Total US Disintegration) Map, Made this myself featuring a completely destroyed America from a catastrophic Agency rule. Warning: Contains ALOT of references.
How the world reacted to Loji
Which political view of the left do you disagree with the most?
Favorite region of Europe?
Any Minecraft fans here?