Haus Labs skin tech foundation discovery set - which is a match?
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
What’s a placement you can’t stand when it’s a persons sun sign but if they have it as a moon you love?
You vs your mom
What is a hint that a Reddit story is fake?
my witchy easter bunnies 🐇
What’s yours?
ADHD or Borderline (BPD)? How Many People Are Walking Around with the Wrong Diagnosis?
The flags are all the people that died on Mount Everest.
I made this bowl
I wake up 5:30 am everyday in order to start at proper time
Do you like my Yellowstone National Park watercolor painting in a psychedelic style?
1 year of beading. Are these fugly? Working on my photography skills (pieces are off center). Would appreciate some AI background maker apps recommendations!
When your kids use your purse as a mobile trash can, and you just… cant.
Memes for customers
Question: If have 2 people with ADHD in same house, not married, no romance, just literally "Hey we both have broke af lives, you help me I help you", does work?
People who can't 'see with their mind's eye' have different wiring in the brain
Will rate the most outrageous thing you've heard your nparent say?
AITA for poking at someone's screen at the movie theater?
Local Goodwill is pre-damaging the clothes
Thank you u/odd_little_duck !!!
Big day for banded tulips here in Pinellas Co. after the cold front :)
When can customers start finding swimsuits sold in stores?
Should we refund this high-maintenance guest’s cleaning fee?