I want to release myself the pirated version of my game.
What do you think of this main menu? Any suggestions to improve it?
Godot 4.4 has some new GREAT features
Trying to make a Parallax effect but something feels off. Any advices?
For anyone who helped, thanks you! here's how I improved with your suggestions
Any way to make the explosions feel more "explosive"?
Follow-up from "Is my art too similar to Hollow knight?" post I made yesterday
The Robot Army Grows
Which software should I use?
I'm so scared of the insects
How to make so canvaslayer sprites "follow viewport" only move along the X axys?
Just noticed there's a valve employee who buys 100 stampts for every map in the game
Is there a way to make so the pseudo 3D bushes do not move along Y axys? (Im using canvas layer nodes with sprites as children)
What do you think of this art style? Never used Hand drawn art before!
How can I find the source of this FPS drop? (info below)
Anything I should know when commissioning music?
Anything I should know when commisioning music?
Here it is - my floating log and perhaps my greatest pride!
Particles are such life-savers, they add so much depth!
TIL you can save nodes as favourites and them appear in this list
I started Godot 7 years ago and I'm glad to present my 3rd godot game: Zitifono!
Any cool tips for animating Control nodes?
What random website do you own?
How long does it take to become a full-time solo developer with Godot?