19 years old. Paid for my dream car in cash. This sub said “can’t wait to see it totaled”. You got your wish.
First paycheck of the year, coming out strong, 25 years old, college grad
What happens if a pilot exceeds the 100-hour monthly limit or the 900/1000-hour yearly limit for flying?
After three years in the 121 world, I became an official airline pilot this week.
When am I cleared to land!
Would this be looked at poorly?
What regional has the hardest interview?
Are there any other jobs you can do if you get a CFI rating and don’t want to teach?
Failed regional LOE
A bit scared to be a CFI :/
Students/CFIs are dropping like flies at my school
Since people are deleting useful posts....
Instructing 50%, and “time building” other 50% of flights to get to 1500 faster?
Finally took my PPL Written Test!!
Non R-ATP CFIs, how are you getting that 500 hours of XC time?
CFIs. Do you miss flying?
Stick or yolk? Question for pilots
Lets say your friend failed 4 check-rides & some stages, they nearly have 1,373 hours, what now?
AITA for expecting my parents to help pay for my wedding?
If ATC gives a traffic call out while on flight following, and says “type unknown” is it helpful if I tell them the type if I know it?
Airline Pilots - how was your first 121 Jet landing?
How long does your CS take to answer on a normal day
First Solo Complete at 60 hours!
Are you good at math/science?
AITA for leaving my obesity intervention?