What can I do to improve? Feeling plain
Baby orange learning to walk on a leash
What’s something you really really want that doesn’t make sense?
Can you speak CANT / gammon? Or even back slang?
Can someone explain to me what "boy mom" means?
Tommy Taffy is getting a movie
Non-Fiction Horror Books
BNM Recycling not collecting bins
Anyone interested living in a caravan on site in a holiday park?
Who is Stephen R. King
So what do ye call in in yer area? knock-a-dolly we used call it
[OC] Mapped - what do Britons call the game where you knock on someone's door and run away?
Working for Ebay
Recommendations for a good therapist?
What was the recession like?
one brain cell is too cute ❤️❤️
How to train kitten to walk on a leash?
What courses/certs are free to do online?
Need karma? I'm not new to reddit
Anyone know where I can buy this nostalgic snack?
Looking for some supernatural thrillers or mysteries from 2000s onwards
Does giving rewards like gold etc give you and the Redditor karma? Or just the Redditor?
How do you guys find good books?
Horror set in a fantasy world?
Any recommendations for brutal historical fiction or horror novels with Fantasy elements?