I smoke weed and watch movies every night at work.
Women who were around to use the internet 15-20 years ago, what is something you miss from that time?
I need to get the fuck out of Texas
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
what are your views on hairy chest??
What do you believe is the key to truly understanding and connecting with another person, regardless of their background or beliefs?
When is it better to confront competitive behavior from friends over staying quiet about it?
What else should I put in here?
Give me your best quote about not caring what other people think.
AITA for Not Carrying My Son Everywhere After He Broke His Foot?
What’s something you finally spent money on that was totally worth it?
Have you ever been written up at work? If so what happened after it.
What’s the strangest decor theme you’ve ever witnessed over the years?
In your opinion is there anything worse than stubbing your toe?
Parent or not, what is one thing you would give a child that you did not have growing up?
Where should I ask that
My father is giving me the silent treatment and my mom said to say sorry. It’s really affecting me
Okay, I'll play. Me in my teens, twenties, and fifties.
What was the moment that made you go « damn, I’ve been lied to my whole life » ?
My mother is upset I am not including her in my proposal to my fiance and I find it weird
Burl Ives
I Thought My Neighbor Was a Jerk, But Then I Found This in My Mailbox
Books that give you an idea of why social media is so addicting and polarizing. And how our brains have permanently changed due to it.
AITA for Not Wanting My Boyfriend to Post Every Detail of Our Life on Social Media?
What’s a subtle sign that someone is a genuinely good person?