Glow (cr: Kid_sppinarl)
In celebration of Black History Month, name your favorite Black models, influencers, and celebrities. Here are some of my top picks!
Distracted (cr: Kid_sppinarl)
What is your gender/orientation? RESULTS!
Them (cr:kid_sppinarl)
I know a lot of people get worn out on fandom drama but just letting you know Twitter/X is just not a genuine place so enjoy your interests because YOU LIKE IT, not because someone else tells you to form an opinion on high school behaviour
Community growing
Did anyone else think immediately about Lux when he said this?
Any more examples of cute and sexy vibe combined?
Films Angelina Jolie has starred in. Is she a 10? Which movie does she shine the most in?
Hear me out Bryan Cranston was very attractive man (and still is for his age) your opinion on him
Sunshine and her guard
Aliya Will
Lightcannon + Queerbaiting question
Troubled Mage Terrorist Lux and “Sane” Troubled Scientist Jinx AU
Which celebrity appears most stunning in their performance at Victoria's Secret?
Guys i'm afraid, what if they change Lux because of Arcane
Name a film that is memorable due to the exceptional beauty of its leading actress
I’m looking for Fanfics to read
Name a celebrity or influencer you think gives off that Disney princess vibe.
My Girlfriend's girlfriend
Bro is all for the women💀
anyone else feel like they can't escape timebomb
New Rules and Karma Limits