Might ruffle a few feathers with this one
There should be consequences for a Catholic ruler creating a non-HRE empire.
My son got "The Beating" event 3 times by the age of 13
"The sex scenes are gonna slap"
Are there any mods that extends the bully/victim mechanic to adults?
Idea for a gender mod that's been bouncing around my brain
Any mods that flesh out guardian/ward relationships?
Admit it, how many of you would want to sleep with this thing?
Oh No I Do Not Like This
What's your Ranma opinion that would make the community react like this?
Somebody smarter than me please make this make sense
What is Tsubasa Kurenai, in the LGBT COMMUNITY?
Oh. Becoming an ethnostate was the right move. Neat.
What if she likes being a girl? What if she likes girls?
Why does he sit like this?
Ranma 1/2 (2024) - Episode 5 Discussion
Which Ranma character would you defend in heated discussions til the end?
Reboot opinions
Best army composition?
Ice Cream Dates
How to not fuck up stability?
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #132 - Pivot of Empire
Anyone write or enjoy a more serious take on Ranma 1/2?
Gimme an example dudes🗣️
Felt Like Crushing Rome This Week