Rose and Tyler [OC]
Master Chen without red eyes
How strong was Master Chen? (No staff)
UGC items being removed unfairly/Some UGC is getting removed for Incorrect spam screening. Black Ponytail UGC Item Was Taken Down for "Spam" While Other 4 Colors Remain. The creator attempted to appeal the decision,but both appeals were denied, and they are no longer allowed to challenge the removal
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share this, I was moving characters from their slots by exporting/importing.. And when I inserted the code, the game missguided a random one instead of the red ponytail, is it from someone here? 😅
Do you guys support Lava Shipping? I know I do
Is getting boring?(Just question no hate)
Ninjago Clouse
Have you ever enjoyed one of your personas so much that you turned them into xoul, or vice versa?
Sponge cake
Ninjago hear me outs?
Which is your favorite Ninjago comfort character? I’ll go first…
Let Modam the Dark rate your OC’s
your OC sees her hanging by strings on the wall. what do they do?
Responses keep repeating since recent update
Why do people hate season 7?
This was just posted in the discord server…how are we all feeling about this?
I’m bored so ask Bernadette some questions
Has anyone ever thought about how Mr. Pale's face was still invisible even after Chen took his powers?
Anyone else notice that Chen's staff and Aspheera are almost the same color? (Sorry if wrong flair)