A new move for (almost) every type
Land of the Free: Only 14 members of congress signed the letter calling for the release of Mahmoud Khalil
The SV OU council are discussing Gliscor and Roaring Moon
Mega-Marblette needs YOUR help.
A few new abilities + some buffed old abilities
Making Golurk More Interesting and Thematically Correct
PREDICTIONS: What are you guys hoping to see for the newly revealed Z-A starters in terms of typing and ability for use in competitive play? I'm hoping for Water-Electric Feraligatr, Fire-Fairy Emboar, and Grass-Dragon Meganium.
Meganium Finally Making it out of PU?
It looks like Reyes is trying to run away, but he's not getting hired
What lore-accurate changes do you think would make Pangoro and Trevenant OU-worthy? I'm having a difficult time predicting how good Leaf Predictor would be as an ability and if it's enough to buff Pangoro. (Revival blessing + Harvest is a joke)
Okay, now what *UNrealistic* buffs would it take to make Sceptile OU?
Hisuian Samurott runs amok in OU while its Hisuian starter siblings sit in NU and PU. With these changes, will they finally make it to OU? Or will they remain worse versions of Chesnaught and Skeledirge? What changes would you make? How would they fare in the current OU metagame?
Life is boring/I'm not feeling challenged
Why doesn't Dylan speak out more about politics?
Everything is great except server issue.
Is Kolkata no more a major city?
Tragic sad news
Pokemon Atlas EP.1 - NEW REGIONE TO EXPLORE! Pokemon Fangame Walkthrough
got molested by a teenage girl
Unbound Buff Tier-list [Nat Dex 1-100]
Current team and reserves, plus breeding storage and utility.
What pokemons do you want to have an redux form?
Moody Glalie Seems OP