Anyone work for HCA? I want to go casual at the hospital but apparently they charge a $15k fee to the hospital if I leave.
Is this normal?
Wasn’t able to have my break
So, it seems the resounding sentiment from this sub is: DON'T choose nursing. For us suckers who are currently studying to become one, what now? What jobs can we divert into? Do I give up my degree?
Sold all my xrp dont worry boys
What do do guys do on days off
Why am I do warm when I go to sleep?
Why don't we get hazard pay for being in some dangerous infectious environments?
What to expect
Burnout, what to do next?
How many individual stocks do you hold?
Nursing uni doesn’t work
The dress my mom is planning to wear to my wedding. She sent this to me yesterday and I still haven’t replied
Increasing staff morale
Pay rates by states / where should I start my journey?
Why can't cancer be curable?
Struggling with the industry
Any Tradies to Nurse Here?
Considering becoming a nurse
EB12 Negotiations QLD
Pregnant dentist thinking of restarting in midwifery… is it crazy?
Why is it frowned upon to take care of our own basic needs?
Why I'm leaving nursing