Anyone wanna draw miss pickles here? :)
New kitten keeps staring under the oven
Pickles getting comfy :)
How much are glass tickets roughly?
How to get my dog and cat used to each other?
How can I get my cat and dogs to like each other?
Kitten keeps dry heaving / coughing
Introducing a new kitten to older dogs.
Master Hunter 10 help
Red Dead 2 Tattoos?
What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?
A zombie apocalypse has just started, how are you surviving?
Water gets underneath second skin, should I remove it?
Just got my First tattoo today absolutely in love 😍
AITA for naming my daughter after my sister?
What will you never buy cheap?
What is the most disturbing film you've watched?
what's a movie you have watched more than 5 times?
name stereotypes from your country & i’ll try to guess where you’re from
Orange Fanta side by side Europe/Portugal left and the US right
Rotisserie Chickens are no longer worth it
Is this a normal piercing price??
What's the most animal you have killed ?
Is my nose piercing safe to take out?