I ripped up my cross stitch kit because I can’t do it help
This was hypoglycaemia right?
I built The Vercetti Estate from Vice City a while back!
Anyone tried Ensure juice?
12 lots is still asinine to me when they gave is fucking WINDENBURG.
Terrified that me and my sister were exposed to asbestos as kids
I love infants, who else?
What underrated pack do you love the most?
I played The Sims 4 base game all night with a friend and here’s my verdict
Leaving YouTube?
My friend said dementia 100% is preventable with a whole food plant based diet?
What businesses will your sims open?
Severe panic attack after reading said 126/85
Inside the troubled development of The Sims 4
Lyndsay Pearson recently did an interview with GameSpot on the 25th anniversary of The Sims and I feel like this part really highlights how they’ve shot themselves in the foot by keeping Sims 4 going for so long.
Antiperspirant that ACTUALLY stops or SIGNIFICANTLY reduces sweating!
Natural Deodorant suggestions.
My sim finally gave birth...and it ended up being twins! This is the first time I've ever had a couple have twins lol
Underwhelmed with the new expansion - I'm a builder
sims 2 still not working for me, even after the patch :(
Can you be scared of swallowing liquids with arfrid
I ate solids for the first time since 2021
I edited Serenity’s Rosalind Dress to have no sleeves no
Snark sub is unhinged
Is hypoglycemia a common experience for people with arfrid who eat little and eat mostly sugar food?