Menu from Domino's in Ireland
13 years, now I’m out
First Gun & Questions
So why, when it's 25℉, do trucks still haul chickens to processing plants? Won't the chickens all die?
18k 5.5g paid $125 for it when Walmart had it marked on clearance and listed at 14k.
Probably my favorite feature in the house
Stay warm and stay safe everyone
ruined? or is there a solution?
Let's go, I feel safer already.
First burn of the year
Where to sell a Marfione?
Just got this message to our groupchat this evening
17 or 19?
How would you go about attaching this esee 6 to this spiritus chest rig WITHOUT buying some ridiculous overpriced piece of tegris or supergluing the sheath?
Reminder to not wear/buy steel armor
Half tucked
People who learn about guns from CoD and news headlines...
😔 Luckily I don’t live in Minnesota
Chock 17
Interesting grape
Okay guys, who tried to off themselves in kitchen storage? I'm not mad, I just what to know.
Underground homes. I cannot tell if this is only one home or more. Very secluded area in the Shenandoah Valley.
Minnie will not sleep unless tucked in and I'm all for it
Are you really surprised?
State of the OTFs