The Chinese DLC was hinted from the very beginning
Chinese Expansion Hinted?
My Subjective Civ 7 Base Game Antiquity Civs Tier List Based on How Powerful, Significant, and Influential They Were in Real History
New First Look: Confucius
New Civ Game Guide: Han
Civ 7 China leaked
Should Civ 7 have multiple civs in the same Age representing the same modern sovereign state (not necessarily in the base game)?
Can Someone Explain “Immersion Breaking” For Me?
One Civ - Multiple Leaders is not more historically accurate
Greetings from Gamescom, and more Civ 7 info to come!
Speculating on how China will be implemented in Civ VII because of the age system
Great Qing should start with its own "Tribuary System" power block
What would like to see emphasized gameplay wise from variants of the remaining civs without variants?
The US is genuinely not powerful enough
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
BREAKING: 41 NATO KFOR soldiers wounded after clashes with Serbs in Zvečan in northern Kosovo. NATO vehicle painted with a "Z" graffiti
My CK3 dream is to play as an unlanded merchant traveling to China along the Silk Road with caravan and receiving a bunch of events and profits
Building the Hagia Sophia enables UniQin's melee units to convert barbarians twice
Rulers of China Abilities leaked
How do you feel about religions and religious victories? (survey for mod-making)
For future Civ games, I think they need to consider dividing China into separate dynasties and India into separate kingdoms/empires
Any of you guys bothered by Firaxis jumbling the definition of civilization when choosing factions?
Civ 7 idea: Civs over leaders