So was anyone gonna tell me??
My GIANT half orc hireling
1k hours in. Started a halfling run
Anyone here doing that economic blackout today?
Necromancer RP Help
Do you consider Mike a good person?
Got my dad BG3 as a gift - this was his experience
Can I give book of thay to Astraion then use the tharchiate codex on myself ?
Epic glitch
I don’t get Astarion
Pros and cons and evil durge?
Most attractive character you’ve seen on screen?
How do you guys stay motivated enough to finish the game?
Original Gale run question
I agreed not to kill the rat
Feat on Even Levels
Let’s be honest… are you still a Loot Goblin?
My party always ends up as me and the ladies lol
Help me organize/combine my future playthrough goals
Are Martials just that much better than Spellcasters?
I'm going to do the unthinkable
Are there some choices you always make? No matter if it is an evil or good playthrough?
Pure modded classes?
Anyone else? Act 2 breeze through