Player Housing is coming to Azeroth. Get an early look!
Delves vs m+ to gear for raid
Blizzard on Delve Updates in Season 2 - Reward Progression Updates
Please no more candle/air totem/etc items in delves
What movie had a realistic ending instead of doing the Hollywood thing?
New Warrior animations on PTR.
Why is Horde always more populated?
Delve Changes in Season 2 - Maps Capped, Tier 9+ Rewards, New Curios & Affixes
Oled burn in
They did the math
My date cancelled 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet
Why it took Ubisoft so long to realize that releasing half-baked unfinished games dosen't make the cut anymore?
Does this mean this guy should’ve changed his oil a little bit more? 😭
Wow is ending right?
Amalgam of Rage mount
OLED burn in?
TWW, Impressions of a Returning Player
I doubt anyone from Blizz reads this, but..
Gilded Crests will drop from tier 11 Delves as well as tier 8+ bounty delves in Season 2
11.1 - "Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu."
Blizz COOKED with this DK Tier set!
best class to run T8 delves
Blizz only has designer for rogue and mage.
Class Tuning Incoming - 30 October
Can’t finish tier 8 delves anymore? 606 Fury Warrior and suddenly i die from «everything».