Why would anyone believe in the moon landing?
🌚 Respectfully...
Name This Country
What instrument do I play based off my hand?
I got a flag for my micronation, this is the best video I got of it before my webcam died on me.
Make the comments look like his search history
Guess what instrument I play based off my hand
Accidentally a Non-Binary Icon
What instrument to I play based on my hand?
This kid thinks he’s him
Guess what instrument I play based on my hand
What's your micronations religion?
You thing homophobic are for losers?
Only real ones know what this is
He was what in 2016?
Yet another micronations tierlist
Evil Junior be like: "I love Big Hero 6."
Caption This.
Say "im" and let autocomplete finish it.
I teach swimming to kids for free even though i was offered money. Mombie demands that I have to teach her son exclusively. And to give her the money offered as i don't need it.
Attempting to exploit a kind individual on the eve of Thanksgiving
Day One Of Getting A Comment From Every State/Province!
Has anyone ever won the SML question giveaways?