Shockwave Lithotripsy tomorrow
Intense pain while urinating
Xray missed stone?
How can I get a stone to pass?
Tips for 24 hour passing?
Pain control while waiting to pass?
What kind of stone is this?
How I move my stones along.
I've had a fun 3 weeks after Shockwave Lithotripsy: "Steinstrasse". Google it.
Hydronephrosis >:(
My 4mm stone won’t come out
I have a 6mm non obstructing kidney stone. What can I do? I do NOT want to go through this pain again.
Do you get referred pain?
Rant 😭
How do you get a stone to pass quicker?
Can’t Pass Kidney Stone
Is Baby Beach a "must"?
Dad 56M has 90% blockages in 3 arteries. They say CABG is not viable neither is stenting. In distress.
Heart Healthy cookbook
Name brand medications
Heart attack recovering question: how often is it okay to have fast food.
What would you do?
Stent within a stent...
Diffuse Disease.