Opinions in my future Varesa team
[MAJOR SPOILER] New Enemy via Sakura
Anaxa Kit via Sakura
Day 3 Varesa TC - Last Updates, Should be the last post until any significant changes
how hard have you been grinding primos for her banner?
🐮 Varesa Build Megathread
Keqing + Sucrose
All Elequings
Genshin characters but I reduced the size of their pupils
Fu Xuan's Mandatory SP Usage as a solo sustain and team detriment - why isn't this talked about more?
Furina's Summons Can Go Underwater and Attack via Kuroo
Furina/Alhaitham/Nahida/Shinobu Showcase via cooking_up_a_storm
ele é o anticristo
Heartstealer vs Broadsword. Which do I choose?
Do you have a better bow damage ? 296'279'712 per shot
Como vai sua saúde mental?
Vai lá, gente, valendo!
Don’t know what happened, but apparently the game bugged and said my friend dealt 9.2 QUINTILLION damage.
Essa é a segunda edição já
Eu nem posso falar nada por que eu cometo muito erro de português
might have been made before but Araragi Itto