anyone need a greedy relic?
Trading for abyssal and hexed relics!!!
Why no Aperta in ferrari season
Anasının amı ama
Giving Janet some love cuz Supercell lowkey prefers Melodie over her
What do we think of the new lobby music?
What is this
Anyone else think her Voice sounds a thousand times better in the new song compared to the old one
I can't deal with this change to Melodie
i have full pants of happiness :)
It's canon!
Wtf is this dogshit don’t they know that mommy Janet is better in every way then that bltch midlodie?
Melodie hate will not be tolerated from now on. also I will be moderating more and exterminating freaks of this place. (picture kinda related)
Why is 0 kg?
Okay but can we genuinely talk about this animation quality???
İzlediğiniz en rahatsız edici gore videosu nedir?
Colette is prettier than janet
Literrally Doron
When you can't farm notes to expire someone behind a wall and decide to Hypercharge Triple Dash on the wall just to get notes
Savaş kartınız nasıl
Okul tuvaletleri sizce ne kadar boktan
Oh my god 😭