How would you spell the sound the Imperial Probe Droid makes?
There's an Imperial Probe Droid in Return of the Jedi
Darth Vader practicing his Darth Vader voice
How would you spell the sound of Darth Vader breathing?
Blinking compilation: The Empire Strikes Back
Blinking compilation: A New Hope
George Lucas on the Millennium Falcon's navicomputer (from the 2004 DVD commentary).
According to an article in Rolling Stone, George Lucas' own cough was used for General Grievous (link in comments).
Star Wars toy commercial that aired during the Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
The chosen one
Death Star thoughts
Who is this droid/is this a droid?
Why did Ben have to die?
What were your first thoughts on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars?
Anyone else hope to one day see a Palpatine origin story on screen?
I need help with a funny star wars quote
Which self-made individual do you find the most inspiring?
Star Wars documentaries on BD?
What’s a movie you can watch over and over again?