God forbid a woman gets a little bit fruity (in more ways than one)
What if Anne & the Plantars wound-up in Gravity Falls rather than Los Angeles when returning to Earth? [Comic by GraceoArtYo]
songs that mention backs against walls
Drop some songs for me to rate
Rihanna has a bit of catching up to do
songs about growing apart!
Songs containing all the letters in "Spotify"
US patriotic Songs Alignment Chart
Song titles that would be very bad birthday gifts.
Songs that sample video game OSTs
What exactly makes a 'fetus' not fully human? It has its own unique human DNA from conception onward?
Is there a song that you can perfectly recite?
is there a song which you can PERFECTLY Beep Bap Boop? (you're not allowed to pick the songs with lyrics)
Im a bored femboy AMA (no pictures) mild nsfw bc idk what yall finna ask
Songs that name drop the album they're on without being titled the same as the album
Do you think a film adaptation of the musical would work out? Why or why not?
Edric’s Guide to Pranking
Popular YouTuber who doesn't deserve their fame?
Hidden tracks that are on Spotify
songs where the artist messes up the beginning vocal and leaves it in anyways
Best *band* starting with letter A?
Songs that descend into complete chaos over time/near the end
I carry no regrets in making this
The occupying Queen of this sub.
is tally hall a copy of the Beatles?