Mexican bakery help
Best Chinese bakery
Adding veggies to my empty kimchi pickles because actually I did love it 😬
Homemade cat food
Severely Matted Hair - Salon and Stylist Recs
Snowstorm Kitten
Why oh why
Perfume help for 9 yo niece!
My neighbors' cat appears when ever he likes.
Frickin bats
My amazing monarch nails 😍🦋
Schmost Schmco sirloin (schmirloin?) Not sure if I can post brands!
Visiting for two days/one night, where should I go to eat?
Dinner and concert date makeup
Life hack unlocked!!
What Charcuterie Items Would You Put on a Salad?
Kimchi sandwiches that aren’t a grilled cheese?
Sweet little Jodie
What’s your fave “non Prestige” skincare line?
Some designs from today
Looking for constructive feedback on drawing of me and my daughter
Is naming a baby after a cocktail you were drunk on when baby was conceived?