First SDR appointment-setter with a good track record: how long should I give him to see performance?
Why does the max pay for sales guys here seem to be $200-250k?
About to hire my first SDR, but he's asked 0 questions in the first 2 interviews...should I be nervous? Or am I just really good at explaining things?
Here are the differentiators I've noticed between the high-paying sales roles and the mediocre ones, for those of you wondering how $200k+ is possible.
JFK Assassination Records - 2025 Documents Release
For those who do cold outreach, what actually works for you?
How to keep track of Upwork SDR's activity/progress? Is Upwork's time-tracking system reliable?
Would hiring an Agency to get me appointments make my business not as valuable, as opposed to hiring full-time employees?
Family-Run Small Businesses... How To Deal With Family?
Any good recommendations for THIN matza that I can buy online? (with a stellar hechsher, of course)
Realtors must be stopped.
Totally normal home
A narcissist's death
little project for my friend who works in a lab :)
WOODn't It Be Nice? Maine Contemporary
What did your happy ending look like? Were you able to have a relationship with your parent(s) again? Did you try? Or did you just cut them off and you've never been happier?
Already had a bunch of flying monkeys come at me, and I just brushed them off/accepted their stance for what it was. Now that I have a script, should I send it out to them? Or only send it to them when they talk to me again?
Did anyone else think when they were children that they had a normal or even good childhood until they were older and could see things clearly?
Was anyone else's parents fucking obsessed with productivity?
Can I link a post I made in another sub? I think it might help people who've been through similar, and it adds a dimension to the Narcissist-persona that I haven't seen mentioned here:
What are some rules you made for yourself to not fall for a narcissist in future?
People who have recovered: How did you stop hating them?
"I'm sorry you interpreted what I said as hurtful" - nDad
I was a bedroom kid
How to free myself from the "let me see how I get past X milestone...THEN I'll have accomplished something" mindset?