AITA for holding resentment towards friend
Snake mugs?
Interrupting baristas? (Tall rant)
how strict are ur guys stores!
Matcha Recipe/What is Breve
More often than not, we didn't sabotage your drink.
Would I be in trouble?
YA adaption and a curse
What should I do with my future
Running out of time for transfer
How to call out with as much courtesy as possible?
danielle, vic and war on gaza
Saltburn (2023)
Coming out help (sort of)
WIBTA for not being there for my friend
AITA for not cleaning the house?
AITA for refusing to pick up a package?
AITA if I stole a piece of candy from a coworker if he offered it to me earlier?
WIBTA If I didn't see my Mom on her birthday
AITA for going to my sister when her fiancé tries to boss me around?
AITA for making fun of my friends clothes?
I’m gonna be so honest. Ik this is old news but I just watched “Gen Z reacts to Slipknot” and I got so upset lmao.
No orlando VIP for miku expo?
WIBTA for telling my friend I wish they paid for food
AITA if I yelled at daughter for stealing makeup again