Oh the things you will discover
Some photos I took a while back
New Sword!!!
After 1 year without drawing
First try after a long break
Did meditation stop me from enjoying weed?
My homage to LEGO Space
Any fans of Hocus Pocus and shareware OG Apogee out there?
how bad is it?
I'm glad AI didn't exist when I learned to code
Cutsy player walk / idle animations for my asset pack
no rules
Fav one! <3
What is your “The English Patient”?
Castlevania III - Revamped
Power Armor Series from Fallout
Commander Keen 6 Tribute v
Olympic mountains
Battle Bugs - Epyx / Sierra On-Line, 1994
Working on archer animation
Pixel Sandstorm for my game. What do you think?
Backyard Dump, Sébastien Iglesias, Digital Painting, 2025
I'm working on a pixel art settlement builder! Drawing all the game assets myself