I’m 31 and I’m still getting my shit together
just make me feel better, roastme made me cry
ADHD and slow tech rage
Describe the picture in ONE word
To those who travel abroad so often- how do you get used to overcoming jet lag?
What do you listen to besides John Mayer?
now I know why people don’t do holds😭😭😭
Why are kind people so hard on themselves?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
Name one thing you do that if everyone did, the world would be a better place.
What's that one specific habit you know you need to quit but just can't?
Say you die today. In as few words as possible, what was the overall story of your life?
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
What’s something you looked forward to doing that 100% lived up to your highest expectations?
What’s your strategy for dealing with a ridiculous number of unread emails?
When will LA nightlife get lively again? It’s so dead at the moment
be mean
How many chickens do I have?
New hack to be always on time. Turn on GPS maps when you wake up.
super curious, who do i look like?
What’s the hottest place you’ve been to in your life?
how do i get a capricorn to be obsessed with me?
What’s a city that you love visiting, but would never move to?
What do you listen to while you're working?
Who is the rudest celeb you have met? What happened?