Do you guys think Jonah was ever genuinely into Kelly until he realised Amy liked him? And if yes, do you think he and Kelly could’ve made it?
Jonah reserves his best smirks for Amy
Love how Jonah wants so much to explain his Halloween customs
Loved seeing Brenda Song in Superstore - shame I didn’t get to see more of her.
Jonah is so hilariously awkward around Adam that he borderline seems like he’s got a bit crush on him 😆
Why is SUPERstore HELLA addictive? I can’t stop binging it!
My favourite moment
How is Superstore not more popular?
Jonah is such a good reason to continue watching Superstore though, he isnt the only reason to 🔥
do you think the characters remained friends through adulthood?
If Vanessa gave you four hours of her undivided attention, what question would you ask her?
What’s a 10/10 movie that you would NEVER watch again?
If there was a spin off/movie of superstore what would you want to happen?