LPT Eat buttered toast upside down, it tastes better.
Im 26 years old. I was partying with friends until 6am. This is my dads response.
Can Capos replace barre chord entirely?
Are these pizzicatos too fast for a player
Brexit's back on the menu boys
TrainSpotting 2 film
Why does "step" porn still dominate the homepage of porn sites after so many years?
What is this chord? Somg-Cancion I. The song is in the key of G.
Does anyone know if this - or anything of simialr design/quality - is still available for purchase?
Rhythmic typo here? Should the rest be a crotchet rest? Why doesn’t the lower voice add up to 4 beats? (Phantasy in Am by Kellner)
Why is castling out of check disallowed?
Fingering - The Bonnie, Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond Trinity Grade 7
Solihull pupils trade smartphone use for no homework
Which Björk song is it? 😭
What’s missing from my collection?
Chess, What should white do
Hitchens & Tolkien
What are you a ‘reverse snob’ about?
Mystery tune
Weird message found in new string
My favourite and practical words as a hungarian - What do i found pretty?
flamenco and classical
Is there part of the UK stereotyped as having bad drivers?
Looping MIDI for video game implementation
Is plonker a swear word?